The caloric deficit is defined as the lack of calories to reduce and maintain a balanced body
weight, to burn more than what we eat to gain weight and even lose weight.
To lose weight, whether you are overweight or want to define your muscles, it is also essential to
know what nutrients we should take and what we can do without taking the utmost care of our
health. We show you how to calculate it and achieve it healthily without unnecessary risks.
It is essential to know that the nutritional requirements, both macronutrients (proteins,
carbohydrates, and lipids) and calories, are determined by several factors. Such as gender, age,
height, training load in the gym, complementary activities, state physiological and metabolism,
body composition, and goal. That is, each person has a different requirement.
What are calories?
A calorie is a unit of measurement conceived as energy. We need a specific contribution of
calories for the proper functioning of our body to stay active and attentive. They are obtained
from the oxidation of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
If you want to lose weight safely and healthily, achieving a caloric deficit to lose weight without
risks to your health is essential. We show you how to calculate it and what to eat to avoid
leaving any nutrients.
How to calculate the daily calories we need
The first thing to learn how to calculate calories is to know our daily calorie range to stay
healthy, for this, you can use this simple method: multiply your body weight by 26 and by
28. That is, if you weigh 90 kilos, 90 x 26 = 2340 and 90 x 28 = 2520. Your daily calorie range
will therefore be between 2340 and 2520. Once this is known, calculate the calories you
consume while doing sports, for example, 500, and you will lose weight more or less depending
on the range you are in and the physical exercise you do. If you want to gain more muscle
mass, look for a caloric surplus or a hypocaloric diet, but always controlled. In these diets, in
addition, proteins play a fundamental role.
What to eat to lose weight with a healthy caloric deficit?
Proteins are essential, as common sense indicates. It will depend on the type of activity you do:
running, cycling, walking, or strength training. But, at a minimum, proteins should account for 10
to 15 percent of the total caloric intake and of high biological value over everything, like meat,
fish, milk, or eggs. If you regularly train in the gym, estimate between 1.8 and 2 grams of protein
for every kilo of your body weight. That is if you weigh 80, then 80 x 2, for example, 160 grams
of protein a day and, if it can be, distributed throughout all the meals you eat.
As for the rest of the nutrients, some studies assure that to reduce fat. It is more effective to do
without carbohydrates before the ‘good’ fats.
Also, remember that entering a caloric deficit to lose weight has its drawbacks, and you may
feel more fatigued, or lose some muscle mass.